"Lost at Sea"... There is a lot of meaning here. There is the literal threat of death or merely the lonesome wreck, cast away deep on the ocean floor. Speaking figuratively, one begs to ask, what is the sea? Will I drown in it? How can I ever emerge?

I found myself,
a drop in the ocean,
no place to be...
a drop in the ocean,
no place to be...
In depths beneath the waves
I sought and learned;
outside the water,
I am lost at sea.
- Oliver Vorona
I sought and learned;
outside the water,
I am lost at sea.
- Oliver Vorona
A couple of years ago I stumbled into scuba diving and like so many I was hooked from the very get go. I felt like a spaceman, visiting another planet. At least that's how close I ever would get to that experience, I thought. Once submerged, nothing else mattered, no degree of meditation could get that close, could make me feel that serene. This world beneath the water's surface, this world from which we all once came, it became my temple, it's where I'd go to pray.
Now who am I? I'm Oliver and I've worked in the film and TV industry for 15 years, mostly as a video editor, working on pretty much every format imaginable.
- from ads to news
- from magazines to educational films
- from video billboards to documentaries
- from magazines to educational films
- from video billboards to documentaries
In this time I've learned one of the greatest challenges in filmmaking is to adequately understand the language of images and to use it to communicate with people in a capable manner. Doing this in a documentary is even harder, as one can barely plan their shots. When executed well, the most effective way to transport a thought or feeling is the moving image.
Lost at Sea
Thus far the origin story, now for the mission: Once I found the marvellous sport of scuba diving, a new challenge arose; to combine both these passions and skillsets of mine. To share this experience with anyone willing to listen; and to learn as much as I can, from anyone willing to share. This blog/channel chronicles this journey underwater and also on land.
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